Despite the fact that our experiences are not universal, there is some memorable humour we can look back on when we reminisce about growing up in an African household.
Growing up in an African household has its chuckles and charms, it’s stepping into a world of hilariously unique experiences that only those who've lived it can truly understand but these experiences are what make it truly a special and unforgettable journey. While there may be quirks and idiosyncrasies that outsiders might find amusing, for those of us who call it home, it's just another day in the most entertaining and heartwarming place on earth. Home!
These weird things are the threads that weave our childhood memories, from plastic bags that seem to live forever to African dads who master the art of watching TV in their sleep. And let's not forget the mysterious stash of strawberry bonbons hidden away by our beloved grandmothers, a testament to their unwavering love and care - most of us still don’t know where they came from.🥲
We know how there’s so much to go through with this one but we will do our best here:
1. Plastic Magic: Multipurpose Marvels - We’ve always been environmentally conscious
If it’s not the hand me downs from your siblings or close relatives, it’s the plastic bags from our local grocery stores. Nothing can be left to chance, ice cream tubs turned into a skaftin for school or leftovers. Yeap, we’ve all experienced it too - that nerve-wrecking disappointment when you open it hoping for actual ice cream but it’s filled with collard greens or some leftover soup. An orange sack could turn into a buddy scrub or a dish scrubber. That’s where the magic is - everything has a purpose and can live for a while longer than its original purpose.

2. African Fathers and the Art of Siesta-Watching.
If an African father is sitting in front of the TV, it's a guarantee that he's catching up on the latest episode of the "Siesta Show." With eyes closed and snores serenading the room, changing the channel is like challenging the sacred order of the universe. Don’t do it, they are never asleep as they would have us believe! 😂The only way to be sure if they are not sleeping is the masterful stance - standing in front of the TV with hands behind the back - it’s always breaking news that catches them there.

3. We’ve got questions, Grandma! Where did you get these? African grandmothers are keepers of mysterious treasures, from the stash of strawberry filled sweets to the epic butter biscuits in the metal tin. No matter how old we get, these sweets are almost the greatest mystery in our lives, always appearing out of thin air. No one truly knows where they are purchased. Thanks to the internet now, Google image search comes in handy from time to time. As for the butter biscuits tin, might hold a sewing kit, but ask no questions, for the bonbons have a way of sweetening life's little mysteries.

4. The sleep overs and beautiful memories.
For a lucky few, sleepovers were quite the rave when you visited a relative’s house or in this case your grandparent’s house . It was not merely a gathering; they served well as an adventure, some of the best memories that show a sense of unity and community with our loved ones, both close and distant cousins.The living room would transform into a playground of mattresses, creating a sea of comfort where we all laid to rest after a day of epic backyard adventures, where we often bonded.
Growing up in an African household is like creating a colourful picture of a unique childhood. It's full of funny moments that bring their own charm in their own unique way. Each of these moments remain what we'll remember most